
Oricon榜單 – 4/22


都是先開細碟榜!觀乎近兩年細碟榜,冠軍寶座好像有針吉一樣,細碟通常只可以坐一星期冠軍,韌力欠奉。上週no.1,剛紫的《空 ~ 我的美麗天空》經已下跌至第5位,而10大位置中,初上榜的佔5首。

由7人團體變為14人團體的EXILE,不單陣容越見龐大,聲勢也同樣一日比一日浩大,今週憑豐田汽車廣告歌《THE MONSTER ~Someday~》登上冠軍,首週賣出接近18萬張,是近期銷量比較突出的細碟。《THE MONSTER ~Someday~》是EXILE自01年出道以來所推出的第30張細碟,亦是自去年的《The Birthday ~Ti Amo》後連續第3張no.1細碟。

亞軍位置同樣由樂隊/組合包辦 - コブクロ(Kobukuro) 的17張細碟《虹》。雖然《虹》是JAL的廣告歌但首週銷量只得6.7萬張,只及EXILE的1/3。其實コブクロ今次已經是連續第3次做二奶,因為之前的兩張細碟《蒼く優しく》及《時之足音》都只能屈居亞軍。

至於季軍及第4位分別是新晉二男一女組合GIRL NEXT DOOR的《Seeds of Dream》及Hello Project旗下7人少女團體℃-ute的《Bye Bye Bye》。

大碟磅方面今週比較靜局,10 大位置只得3張新上榜,冠軍位置屬於Johnny’s事務所旗下的演歌偶像組合關西Johnny的第4張大碟《PUZZLE》。唱片公司為谷銷量,初回限定版還附送DVD,滿足還首週賣出22萬張,成績不俗。

《PUZZLE》收錄曲 - イッツマイソウル

亞/季軍是上週的冠/亞運,湘南乃風的《湘南乃風 ~JOKER~》及Dreams Come True的《DO YOU DREAMS COME TRUE》,第4位是停留不動,大姐大松任谷由實的《AND I WILL DREAM AGAIN》。第6位是剛轉投新唱片公司的老牌唱作男歌手吉田拓郎,全新專輯名叫《在午前中..》。今週吉田拓郎更打破了小田和正的紀錄,成為史上最年長(63歲)打入大碟榜10大的歌手。

《在午前中..》收錄曲 - 午夜中的Taxi


shangri_la said...

《虹》actually has sold 67,771 in the first week (http://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/js/w/). Not a bad figure for a group that doesn't have tons of gimmicks come with each release in the age of online music. It was 《Seeds of Dream》that sold 25,269

shangri_la said...

Just read from the news online that 70s JPop idol Shimizu Yukiko (清水由貴子) has committed suicide. Although she was never the first rank of stars, her sitcom "花よめは16歳" had been shown in Hong Kong (but I forgot what it was called). Someone has posted a clip of the series on YouTube since the news of her suicide broke (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1KdQWL7pyU). I though this might interest you.

"花よめは16歳" was really a combination of "吾妻十八歳" and "淘氣學生妹", but it was not as popular. Still it is hard to envision the dizzy, careful school girl in "花よめは16歳" would eventually be so wrecked by the hardship of adulthood