
我是Carrie Bradshaw

今早終於有時間清理“面卜”那些堆積如山的乜乜invitation或物物application了,在過程中我發現在一星期裡,共收了7個“What Sex and the City Character Are You?”的測試邀請,可能友人都知我是SATC的大粉絲吧!以下是測試的問題,紅色部份是我的選擇。

1. Sundays are for:
- Finishing all my extra work.
- Taking in the latest foreign film.
- Stretching out Saturday.
- God.

2. The toughest problems come from:
- My family.
- Am I really related to these people?
- The weather. Rain can ruin any good day.
- Men.

3. It's Girls Night Out, and you see a hot guy by himself. You:
- Try and figure out why he's alone.
- Barely notice him... it's Girls Night Out for Pete's sake!
- Invent a way that you can bring him over to your friends.
- Rules are rules, it's Girls Night Out.
- Excuse yourself. Girls Night Out is officially over!

4. When you need to pull an all-nighter, you:
- Stock up on coffee and stimulants, it's gonna be a long night.
- Create flash cards and visual aids to better maximize your study time.
- All-nighters are for wimps. You either know the stuff or you don't.
- E-mail the professor and tell him your dog ate your textbook.

5. Your friends invite you last minute for a weekend in Vegas, you:
- Party like a rock star with them...next time.
- Take a chance, it's Vegas! You might get lucky!
- Don't go. If they were good friends, they would have told you earlier.

6. Your ideal bubble bath contains:
- Candles and a good book.
- Hot water and bubbles, who needs more than that?
- Someone to dry you off.

得出的結果,我是... Carrie Bradshaw!
You are creative in all things you do. Whatever your passion is--be it writing, shoes, or adorning yourself--you are constantly inventive. Your keen eye for beauty and color lead you to try new things. Those new things combined with your friends admiration of you makes you a trendsetter. You're the type that would accentuate your wardrobe with a red rose lapel pin and discover that everybody is wearing it the next day. And why not? It looks fabulous.

哈哈,我一直以為跟Carrie的共同處是大家都是靠枝筆討生活,原來在性格上也似,好好笑。其實我應該沒有她那麼dramatic吧,亦不想像她在感情上表現得那樣拖拖拉拉。um.. 唯一一點我想學Carrie的是... 千金散盡買到成屋都是Manolo的鞋囉!



Wordy said...

答案同你幾唔同,但都係 Carrie wor :p

Fun said...

查實我真係無奶油係carrie架囉.. 除左響購物慾方面~

Agnes Tse said...

喂, 其實我覺得SJP幾醜架, 哈哈...佢賣香水果個廣告, 有D似男人扮女人><

CH Mak said...

Whoa... not only I'm Carrie (I thought I'm more Miranda wor, haha), from other "tests" I'm also Monty Burns (Simpsons) and Jerry (Seinfeld... I thought I'm more Elaine). haha

Anonymous said...

Haha, I didn't think boys would take Sex in the City personality quizzes.. xP

I can not wait for the movie to come out in HK, do you know if it will show? Loveee Samantha and her sexiness.. haha
