剛剛在“面卜”玩咗一個名為“What Kind of Lover Are you”既側試,結果..
登登登登.. You are "The Flirt"! - You're playful in bed - you have the somewhat unique ability to realize that sex is fun. Which is good because you didn't freak out when your partner farted that one time. Sometimes you tease, sometimes you go right at it - but your style differs depending on the mood you're in, and how boring your partner is. And you probably have tried some toys.
俾人話係Flirt真係唔知褒定貶,咁我個人比較阿Q,一於當係讚啦。至於係咪playful in bed啦喎,自己好難評定喎,應該要問問啲用家。不過“but your style differs depending on the mood you're in”就真係噢畸準囉..
“And you probably have tried some toys”.. 嗱,呢味真係無試過呀~
i am the guru!! ;o)
Let me buy you some toys sin...
Oh, I am dying to be your "用家"!!!
Yo boi. Gotta try some toi. :p
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