速報!環球小姐09 partV
一經presentation show (預賽) 就會立即見真章,
評判會根據各人表現(及稍後的personal intreview)而選出10位佳麗,
再加上大會主席Donald Trump的5個心水,
澳洲小姐:Rachael Finch/21歲/5’9” - 模特兒出身,身材、晚裝、走步也屬中上之選,唯一危機是那副細路女樣;澳洲小姐曾於72及04年奪得冠軍,去年也入圍10強
捷克小姐:Iveta Lutovská/26歲/6’ – 同樣是模特兒,身型一流,致命傷是樣貌看上去有時會很老;捷克小姐去年也進了15名
多明尼加小姐:Ada de la Cruz/23歲/6’- 曾於07年參加世界小姐憑贏得單項賽“Miss Beach Beauty”而打入16強。可惜未能更上一層樓,當時甚多網民替她不值。今番再戰環姐,且看能否更創佳積;多明尼加小姐03年曾獲冠軍,去年則位列季軍
法國小姐:Chloé Mortaud/19歲/5’11” – 繼00年後的第二位黑人冠軍,當選時甚受注目。 Chloé Mortaud是今屆頂頭大熱之一,預賽中表現也理想,尤其是那件銀色晚裝,super dazzling,打入決賽應無難度,希望她的對答部份不會太令人失望;對上一位法國小姐贏得冠軍寶座是53年,足足有56年。而上趟入圍也是01年的事了
加納小姐:Jennifer Koranteng/23歲/5’11” – 如果要在非洲區中選一個入圍,加納小姐絕對是我的心水。但可能那件像窗簾布的晚裝會令她失分不少;加納小姐參選環姐以來只在99年入圍過一次 (10名)
洪都拉斯小姐:Bélgica Suárez/23歲/5’10” – 洪都拉斯小姐於54年首次參賽,多年來只在55年進過semi-final。這也難怪,因為一般來說,她們派出的佳節大多是水準以下。等到09年終於有一位表現出色的了,Bélgica Suárez樣子非常exotic,身型及走台也好,晚裝又夠性感,希望她真的能為國爭光
印尼小姐:Zivanna Letisha Siregar/20歲/5’10” –亞洲區佳麗中,我認為印尼小姐在各方面都交出水準。不過在環姐網頁中的訪問表現得有點細路女,可能是其絆腳石。當年民風還未太開放的印尼,因在選舉中多番拒絕穿著泳裝而鬧風波。印尼小姐05年曾進15強,是目前成績最好的一次
愛爾蘭小姐:Diana Donnelly/20歲/5’8” – 也是一位模特兒,樣子很modern,有做high fashion model的潛質。兩個項目中,晚裝表現稍遜,走台也較弱,若然換上令一套較搶眼的,成績應該更好。愛爾蘭小姐上一次入圍10名是98年,該年的代表Andrea Roche亦是現時在愛爾蘭環姐大會的national director
日本小姐:Emiri Miyasaka/25歲/5’7” –曾參加國際小姐日本賽區選舉,再戰日本環姐則成為冠軍。初到巴哈馬時的“烘膿麵包”look甚為嚇人,經過兩個星期的美白後已順眼得多了。日本小姐今次的晚裝是由法國設計師Nicolas Felizola操刀,而配襯的首飾則來自Versace。個人覺得飛走前擺個隊羽毛會好好多。日本小姐在03-08年間入圍4次,一次第5、一次亞軍、一次冠軍,去年就打入15名
俄羅斯小姐:Sofia Rudieva/18歲/5’10” –俄羅斯小姐算是近年歐洲中的power house,02年的Oxana Fedorova曾奪冠軍,可惜也未能履行職務而被取消資格。在預賽中司儀說Sofia的願望是當邦女郎喎,那麼下一套邦片可以叫做“From Russia with Legs”,Sofia主要都是show下長腿咁啦。俄羅斯小姐在06及08年也曾殺入準決賽
斯洛文尼亞小姐:Mirela Korač/22歲/5’7” – 很愛她的大嘴巴,顯得她的五官更時尚。件晚裝比較一般,令她失分也不為奇。01年才開始參加環姐的斯洛文尼亞,07年曾入15名
西班牙小姐:Estíbaliz Pereira/23歲/5’11” – 西班牙小姐在08年度的國際性選美中交出一張很耀眼的成績表,環姐及世姐入圍除外,還贏得國際小姐冠軍。今年的環姐代表也是靚女一名,但不太喜歡這件黑沉沉的晚裝,太不起眼了
瑞士小姐:Whitney Toyloy/18歲/5’10” –預賽前毫不起眼,但預賽後有很多網民也留意到她的exotic look。泳裝及晚裝皆不算突出,冀望靠樣貌搭夠。瑞士小姐曾於04至06年間連續3年入圍
美國小姐:Kristen Dalton/22歲/5’7” –當選美國小姐時被亞軍搶晒風頭,陰功!這位來自North Carolina的甜姐兒質數絕對不是頂級,不過入圍就一定無難度。近年環姐在美國的收視每況愈下,有人歸咎美國太耐無贏過冠軍(12年)喎。美國小姐是環姐中入圍次數最多的國家,52年起只在76/99/02年失手,而其中在54/60/67/80/95/97奪得冠軍
委內瑞拉小姐:Stefanía Fernández/18歲/5’10” –以委內瑞拉小姐來說,她是樣貌最自然整得最少的冠軍之一。其實Stefanía的表現已經很好,但可能去年的Dayana Mendoz實在太出色的關係,所以有點被比下去。入圍應該易過食生菜,目標應該是5強。曾創下連續21年(83 – 03)入圍記錄的委內瑞拉,79/81/85/96/08曾5奪冠軍
哥倫比亞小姐:失望.. 失望.. 失望.. 失望.. 失望.. 失望..
星加坡小姐:也是近年來自獅城的最佳代表,但那件蘋果綠晚裝真是要打大交叉,剪裁差到死。負責設計晚裝的設計師在初踏足時裝界時曾為87年星加坡代表Marion Teoh設計晚裝,而她更在自己地頭殺入10強
南非小姐:一路齋睇相以為她好ok,一上台.. 哇.. 成個drag咁
Ok, it's 2am, but it's Miss Universe, so gotta write these before going to bed.
The presentation show was loonnnggg, but so worth seeing, as now we know who really stand out and who are just a fluke.
Starting with the opening....loved the gals calling their name and countries like that! A couple funny ones....Miss Singapore proclaimed, "Rachel CUM, Singapore!" Miss Turks and Caicos' face was fully covered by the microphone, due to her 'height'. lol
About the swimsuit, which is sponsored by BSC, Thailand, (in Chandler Bing's tone) "could it be any uglier?" fun and I had been talking about this ugly ensemble. I mean, the breasts were all wrapped up like buns (which might be a good thing for flat chested gals as they can add pads without being noticed), and the bikini is too skimpy and not matching the top. Overall, it's not very flattering.
Europe = High Fashion
I've always thought that why couldn't European gals in Miss Universe dress like those in Miss Europe, who are inspiring, daring, avant-grade, high fashion. This year, it finally happens! Look at those gowns from Albania, France, Spain, Kosovo and Montenegro, they are so different (in a good way).
Many gowns follow the trends as well. We see a lot Grecian shoulder, ruffles, crystal pleats, sheer fabrics and feather, which are all 'in' items.
One phenomenon this year is that, after Miss Colombia Taliana Vargas's highest scoring evening gown performance last year, everyone's imitating her this year! In fact, it has become a very boring move after like 30 of them. Even Turks and Caicos was doing it! Shit!
Alrighty, Get to the real business. See whether fun and I have the same taste, or otherwise....
1. Albania I'm SHOCKED no one likes her! Despite lacking of smile, she looks totally gorgeous and high fashion. Her attitude is great, she has a good figure, and her gown performance was simply stunning! All-back slack hairdo, a very interestingly designed gown, and at first she's showing her legs, but later let it down. Very high fashion, very Givenchy. LOVE her! 2. Australia A very safe and pretty sure choice to be in the top 15. She has all the right equipment and made all the right moves. She played a bit on the safe side though, which is not as exciting.3. Czech RepublicDespite her mature look sometimes, she's a beautiful girl. She disappointed me a bit though, as she has this "Heidi Klum-supermodel look", but her stage presence said otherwise.4. Dominican RepublicLike Australia, got everything right, but too safe and not exciting.5. FranceViva La France!!! Chloe's totally alluring. she's energetic, confident, and got amazing stage presence. She got one of the best shimmering and elegant gowns, and she's so statuesque! One of my 2 favorites for the crown.6. IndonesiaSomeone I totally overlooked before. But after her performance in both ss and eg, she is there to win! Amazing move and stage presence, and her Grecian gown screams 'Academy Awards"! Very confident gal too. Definitely best from Asia.7. South AfricaAnother safe choice. Tall, beautiful, exotic, not too exciting. btw, can Miss South Africa not pull the "Nelson Mandela string" anymore? It's become so mundane and dull.8. SpainTo me, the most overlooked contestant, and she has got the most gorgeous and sweetest face! Perfect face, confident and elegant stage presence, great body....all these attributes make her one of my 2 choices for the crown.9. USAKristen Dalton is very sweet looking, and she performed well in both events. Also a safe bet, but again, she doesn't cause any erection. lol10. VenezuelaShe's got some serious styling issue, but she's still the best Latina. But, like fun said, she is overshadowed by Dayana Mendoza. If she gets in top 15, she will change her styling, since Venezuela's designer Gionni Straccia and Osmel decided to change her styling after the negative feedbacks they got from others after the presentation show.
I'm SHOCKED no one likes her! Despite lacking of smile, she looks totally gorgeous and
1. Albania
simply stunning! All-back slack hairdo, a very interestingly designed gown, and at first she's
high fashion. Her attitude is great, she has a good figure, and her gown performance was
showing her legs, but later let it down. Very high fashion, very Givenchy. LOVE her!
A very safe and pretty sure choice to be in the top 15. She has all the right equipment and
2. Australia
made all the right moves. She played a bit on the safe side though, which is not as exciting.
3. Czech Republic
Despite her mature look sometimes, she's a beautiful girl. She disappointed me a bit though,
as she has this "Heidi Klum-supermodel look", but her stage presence said otherwise.
4. Dominican Republic
Like Australia, got everything right, but too safe and not exciting.
5. France
Viva La France!!! Chloe's totally alluring. she's energetic, confident, and got amazing stage
presence. She got one of the best shimmering and elegant gowns, and she's so statuesque!
One of my 2 favorites for the crown.
6. Indonesia
Someone I totally overlooked before. But after her performance in both ss and eg, she is there
to win! Amazing move and stage presence, and her Grecian gown screams 'Academy
Awards"! Very confident gal too. Definitely best from Asia.
7. South Africa
Another safe choice. Tall, beautiful, exotic, not too exciting. btw, can Miss South Africa not
pull the "Nelson Mandela string" anymore? It's become so mundane and dull.
8. Spain
To me, the most overlooked contestant, and she has got the most gorgeous and sweetest face!
Perfect face, confident and elegant stage presence, great body....all these attributes make her
one of my 2 choices for the crown.
9. USA
Kristen Dalton is very sweet looking, and she performed well in both events. Also a safe bet,
but again, she doesn't cause any erection. Lol
10. Venezuela
She's got some serious styling issue, but she's still the best Latina. But, like fun said, she is
overshadowed by Dayana Mendoza. If she gets in top 15, she will change her styling, since
Venezuela's designer Gionni Straccia and Osmel decided to change her styling after the
negative feedbacks they got from others after the presentation show.
Alrighty, Get to the real business. See whether fun and I have the same taste, or otherwise....
Well, there's 10. 5 will be decided by MUO, and their choices has been weird. So I'm gonna put out some possibilities whom I thought would have a shot.
Europe: European Revolution!!!
Many gals from Europe indicated that they want to win Miss Universe, which is kinda 'new'
because most European gals in previous years didn't seem to want to be in the pageant!
Belgium: Beautiful and sweet gal, although her lower abs need some toning (don't we all? lol).
Her gown choice was ok. huh, hers and Russia's did show their legs in the front. It's a pretty
old style, but working well on these gals.
Hungary: Beautiful gal, but then sortof left unnoticed in the show. Her gown looked good in
pic but super cumbersome on stage!
Bulgaria: She looked stunning in both events, although she's a little quiet. Could pull a big
Netherlands: Her eyes looked too small, and her performance was too amateurish. Gorgeous
crystal pleat gown though.
Slovak Republic: Thank God she didn't wear that train-wreck gown. She looked very
sophisticated, and she reminds me of the young Joanna Lumley (our beloved "Patsy")
Montenegro: Very subtle and quiet beauty. Her gown reminds me of Miss Brazil World 1983,
but when looked closer, it's much better....split in front, and full skirt + train in the back. Very
Russia: She's poise and elegant. But I wonder if her nude pics would affect her placing.
Ukraine: One of the most ridiculous eg performance. Was she trying to dance Chinese dance?
But Ukraine has some connection with MUO (or Donald Trump) since that Miss Ukraine
Universe 2004 married Trump's tycoon friend. Politics..
.Asia: Weakkkkkkk
China: She actually looked quite good, and performed well in both events. Her gown.....well,
it's just 'not there' yet. She wanted to do the "Taliana" thing, but the chiffon pieces were too
narrow and she couldn't really make it flare
.Japan: Quite pretty, but her performance was too ordinary. She walked quite awkwardly in
her gown. But u never know, MUO usually has a pattern. If a country is in in recent years,
it'll be in no matter what.
Thailand: All I can say is that BSC Thailand sponsored swimwear....it's all about politics
again. She has a nice gown though.
Americas: Compared to European gals, Latinas are such a let down this year. Not that
beautiful, their gown choices were too safe and old-fashioned. Gotta step it up, gals!
Canada: She has done everything right, and she's in fact well-prepared and quite confident.
But somehow she's missing something. Oh, she's an early-childhood educator, so I'm
impartial to her now....hehe
Brazil: Kinda 'manish', but she moved quite well on stage.
Colombia: She did quite well in swimsuit, and did the famous Miss Colombia "nodding while
posing" thing. But her evening gown performance was just too much. And got to say, her
gown was the worst from Colombia, a country usually produces gorgeous gowns. But her
personality might shine through interview.
Mexico: She looked pale and old, and she's the type that can get fat very easily, which is
similar to Colombia actually. She lacks personality too, which is a major issue.
Puerto Rico: What happened to her amazing stage presence? She looked dull. Maybe it's
Desiree Lowry's idea? And her gown choice was too plain jane, sorry.
coz she might pull a surprise.
Honduras: Great stage presence, statuesque, and very pleasant gal. Should watch out for her
Africa: Can I skip it?
Ethiopia and Ghana would be the best bet from this region. But South Africa is in already, so
I doubt these 2 would make it
.Ok......finally finished! now let's wait and see the final next monday! HO GUN CHEUNG
個人幾鍾意 澳洲小姐, 好標緻.
星加坡小姐做乜事, 民族服裝和晚裝 設計都咁鬼死業餘.
I also notice Miss Albania woh, really caught my eye once I saw her in SS.
ur review is just pro!!! hope more ppl can share similar view with us esp. on the fashion side~
近兩年星加坡環姐欠缺sponsor, 所以wardrobe preparation做得好差.. 但設計晚裝個位設計師已經入行廿年架啦, 點解d手工都仲咁差?
I think Albania is a love or hate choice!! I actually like her gown too.. let see if she can pull a surprise la!
Fun: Thanks, u know how much i love fashion! (and you too) :) I'd love to be more involved in fashion. maybe writing stuff like this in your blog is a start. :P
無累旅子: so glad you like her. She has this runway model attitude that i thought is very unique in the pageant.
我ge choice 都是咁上下。
oh....i almost forgot another choice: Kosovo.
solid performance in both events, and very fashionable. Her evening gown was very modelsque and made her look very slender and tall. she has a high chance to be up there for the second year in the row for Kosovo.
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