女西醫溫美心,洋名“Maxim”.. 作為一個醫生即是一個知識份子,確是很難相信會有這樣的一個洋名!近十年八年,發現坊間多了很多無厘啦耍洋名,有的自己亂串出來、有些玩cross over(即是將兩個英文名夾埋)、有的更恐佈到是但用個名詞或形容詞來做名,R爆頭都不明所以。以下就是一些在下聽過或親身接觸過的騎呢港式洋名!
1. Creamy - 曾接觸過的一間電影公司女職員,叫得Creamy,應該當自己是小忌廉。
2. Duckie - 本公司當年的一個女同事。Duckie.. 鴨鴨地?
3. Regent - 電影公司工作人員,先接觸其洋名,後來接過她的名片才驚覺她的中文名叫勵貞,哦原來直譯!
4. Cinderella - 一個朋友公司的CEO。試想想這樣的情景:各位,有請我哋公司既CEO Cinderella同大家講幾句說話.. 暈低!
5. Seven - 01年度落選港姐劉德媚之洋名,我記得她在準決賽中曾解釋“Seven”是她多來的學號喎。
6. Kendrew - 朋友的朋友,Kendrew = Kenneth x Andrew。
7. Ewong - 女藝人翁虹之洋名,她解釋小時候看電視一聽到“Yvonne”便很喜歡,更誤以為串法是Ewong。但是.. 大個女之後不可以更正的嗎?
8. Silence - 在下一個朋友於北京工作的男同事,聽說他人如其名,非常Slient。
9. Honnie - 一公關公司女職員,她姓何的.. 全名Honnie Ho.. Horny Hole?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 我想她以為有Bonnie或Connie,那麼必有Honnie?
10. Monster - 同事的大學同學,大隻仔一名喎!
1. Creamy - 曾接觸過的一間電影公司女職員,叫得Creamy,應該當自己是小忌廉。
2. Duckie - 本公司當年的一個女同事。Duckie.. 鴨鴨地?
3. Regent - 電影公司工作人員,先接觸其洋名,後來接過她的名片才驚覺她的中文名叫勵貞,哦原來直譯!
4. Cinderella - 一個朋友公司的CEO。試想想這樣的情景:各位,有請我哋公司既CEO Cinderella同大家講幾句說話.. 暈低!
5. Seven - 01年度落選港姐劉德媚之洋名,我記得她在準決賽中曾解釋“Seven”是她多來的學號喎。
6. Kendrew - 朋友的朋友,Kendrew = Kenneth x Andrew。
7. Ewong - 女藝人翁虹之洋名,她解釋小時候看電視一聽到“Yvonne”便很喜歡,更誤以為串法是Ewong。但是.. 大個女之後不可以更正的嗎?
8. Silence - 在下一個朋友於北京工作的男同事,聽說他人如其名,非常Slient。
9. Honnie - 一公關公司女職員,她姓何的.. 全名Honnie Ho.. Horny Hole?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 我想她以為有Bonnie或Connie,那麼必有Honnie?
10. Monster - 同事的大學同學,大隻仔一名喎!
9號係冠軍啦一定 :)
Gorgeous (女仔)
> 我真的很想知道當以上10位人士於陌生人
> 會否有絲毫尷尬的呢?
Actually from my experience, native English speakers (at least in U.S.) are lot more respectful to one's name than people from Hong Kong, unless it is outrageously ridiculous. That's because they believe the parents named their kids for a reason (most of them don't know that we usually name ourselves when it comes to English name) and it is not up to them to judge it. That is something I guess *we* should learn (to be more respectful to people's name) too.
And in 翁虹's case, that actually is rather common even in English speaking countries. For instance, there was a Hollywood movie star during the 50s call Cyd Charisse, she got her name "Cyd" because her younger brother couldn't pronounce "sister" when he was a kid. I don't particularly like 翁虹 but I find the origin of her English name kind of cute
4 號可愛
6 號彆扭
7 號天真
9 號經典
10 號惹人遐想
1. 敝公司有個男 designer 自稱 Devil,平凡人一名
2. 有位上海來的女同事自名 Patience,因她自知 hyper-active,起這名字自我警惕,唯作用不大
3. 大學時老師請同學在課上用英文名,有個低一班沒讀過 Biology 的師妹沒有英文名,便「舉一反三」,想到有人叫 Irene,她給自己起名 Urine……
Cyd.. 呢個名可以理解,但係個d咩Honnie/Gorgeous/Duckie就真係不敢恭維.. 我斷估d洋人(美加)唔會改d咁既名囉..
如果咩都可以做英文名,咁d人叫Fxxk Li都得架啦喎 :)
Speaking of Honnie, have you watched the movie "Wayne's World 2" before? Kim Basinger played this mega-babe named "Honey Horneé". When Garth addressed her as Miss Horny she said "No it is french, it should be pronounced as Hor-NAY"
Classic :-)
我見過 handsome , money , sissy , hello kitty , snoopy...
Duckie/Ducky is actually a some what common first name. A character in the 80s movie "Sixteen Candles" is named Duckie.
I was cracking up to the point of spinning out of control. LOL
Won Maxim--shouldn't it be Maxim Won? "Won Maxim" is like looking for Maxim's to me. LOL
Creamy--it's a cute name but I don't think anyone will look as sweet as Creamy. Actually the full name is Mami Creamy.
Regent is a nice tag!
Cinderella--LOL LOL!!!!!!! Maybe life could be like a fairy tale sometimes.
Honnie--such a winner.
One of the maid's name in Dreams of the red Chamber is Patience. I kinda like it.
Cleopatra or Cleopetra--must be a classic buff!
Creamy - 細路女得得哋意尚可接受, imagine老咗變auntie都仲係叫creamy, 的確想嘔
Duckie - 好地地點解要叫鴨啫?
Regent - 個名好有氣勢
Cinderella - 佢會唔會有朋友叫 Snow White 架??
Honnie - 唔駛講已經贏足九條街啦.. 如果遇著咸濕伯父, 擔心佢介紹完自己個名後嘅個人安危..
I have met "Welcome", "Happy", "Comsumer", "Klient", "Kiehl", etc....
我當年都同一個model合作,佢張card名稱一欄寫住 Ewang,
我地就 叫佢E Wang,佢又無糾正我地。
呢個 model 應該係姓何, 叫綺雲, 即係"天幕下的戀人"裡面做周麗淇大家姐個位, 佢都參選過 Elite Model 1996, 當時我已經覺得佢幾靚女, 但佢無得獎, 結果冠軍係以混血兒黎講一D都唔算靚既 Rosemary.
haha.. 我問選美悄臥底呀!! lol~~
Actually, we shouldn't comment others' name. We have no right to do so. Why they whould like to take those name, becoz they like it. Pls respect others' preferences. How about you? If someone make joke of your name, what do u feel? We should learn how to respect the others, not criticize the others. Mr. Fun, pls help to make this world be peace. Thank you very much indeed.
"If someone make joke of your name, what do u feel? " <--- 我諗如果有人咁做, 我首先會靜靜地坐低, 檢討下究竟係咪自己個名真係改得有問題, 如果係既話就唔可怪得人地笑自己, 必要時仲應該多謝對方塞錢入你袋添. 如果下下聽到人地笑同批評就咁 defensive, 做人好難會有進步.
呢樣野同 keep the world peace, 其實無乜關係, 根本係兩回事.
"make this world be peace"?? What kind of English is that?
Fun is talking about "洋名", which is Christian name for most of Chinese in HK. And there are rules in naming, just like rules for English as a language. Then again, if you want to call yourself some ridculous names like "Smartass", "Moron", etc, it's entirely up to you. But don't expect us not to laugh at that....
"Actually, we shouldn't comment others' name. We have no right to do so." <--點解"no right"呢?我地擁有"言論自由",你可以講你既意見,我可以講我既意見,如果我地"no right",咁我都唔覺得你有right去comment大家講緊既野!
Why they whould like to take those name, becoz they like it. Pls respect others' preferences.<---人地改名係人地既事,人地like都係人地既事,阿Fun寫出黎並無不敬或者唔尊重,阿Fun寫,我地回應都係我地like it, and pls respect our preferences
Mr. Fun, pls help to make this world be peace. Thank you very much indeed. <---邊個NOT make this world peace自己心中有數
"Actually, we shouldn't comment others' name. We have no right to do so." <--- 你慌唔係有人見到自己個名係亞 Fun 個 list 度出現左咩, 斷正頂啦, 唔係駛咁緊張?!
Anonymous 提到...
I have met "Welcome", "Happy", "Comsumer", "Klient", "Kiehl", etc....
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 2:16:00 PM
咁之前個位 Anonymous 又未必係同一個人黎既.
咁講啦.. 我個人認為有d野係應該跟傳統去做既,我唔係介意有人去modify,不過最好有個譜啦..
我發覺香港係一個好怪既地方,應keep既野唔keep,唔應該keep既就長存.. 香港係有進步空間架其實!
我家姐曾經識得一個Yoga Consultant, 女仔, 叫Japan! 俾"曾阿牛"知道一定鞭死佢.
我有個女同學叫Oxeye, 因為佢話自己個閏名諧音似"牛眼".
有個舊女同學, 因為姓佘, 花名阿蛇, 索性叫Snake.
關於Cyd Charisse個case, Ginger Rogers都有類似情況. 佢原名Virginia, Ginger係表親發名既暱稱. 另外有個默片女星ZaSu Pitts, 佢個名仲得意. 因為兩個阿姨Eliza同Susan爭住要BB女改佢地個名, ZaSu的媽心生一計, 女兒就叫Eliza Susan Pitts, ZaSu(或Zasu)變成簡稱.
明星怪名仲有River Phoenix. 有專欄作者美其名"鳳凰河", 兄弟姐妹叫"鳳凰葉"(即Joaquin Phoenix), "鳳凰雨"(Rain), 還有Summer, Liberty...River Phoenix的妹妹Summer嫁了Ben Affleck的弟弟Casey Affleck為妻, 生了兒子叫Indiana, 紀念哥哥曾經扮演Indiana Jones.
1. 認識一位男生叫「hello kitty」,據說因為他女朋友喜歡...
2. 一位女生叫seven,理由不明
3 and more.
japan - 男生
gas - 男生
二痾(他真的用這兩個字作名) ﹣男生
mcdonald - 男生
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