when i flip through magazines these days i can see the focus is all about boobs or those 靓模 with 32D/E. so sick! it reminds me of the 叶x媚 decade. simply disgusting.
u remember that year when i reported miss asia? i awarded wong lui as my website's choice of winner a trophy, and then some magazine (I forgot which one already) took a pic of me and her together, and saying that I want to 'hamp sup' her or something! Pleaseeee, I'm a gay man, an I love men! haha It tells you how hk media works....pathetic.
這一類的節目... 已有好多年沒有看了.
今年質素差咩? 我覺得好過舊年啊 - 今年冠/ 季軍都靚. 冠軍大方D, 身材標準D; 季軍可愛D, 但矮D. 同埋一早貼佢地入三甲, 點會黑馬?
Florence卸任, 當然要搶眼啦! (雖然我都戥佢危險)
when i flip through magazines these days i can see the focus is all about boobs or those 靓模 with 32D/E. so sick! it reminds me of the 叶x媚 decade. simply disgusting.
雖然唔可以一竹篙打一船人, 不過我都領教過d記者既言行, 嘩爛口爛舌不特止, 當正自己大過皇帝, 呼呼喝喝d藝人仲要問問題好似盤人咁, 完全係好似一d冇受過教育既生番咁, 你話呢d人支筆有咩好野可以寫得出.....
如果點會有O靚 模 呀.....
u remember that year when i reported miss asia? i awarded wong lui as my website's choice of winner a trophy, and then some magazine (I forgot which one already) took a pic of me and her together, and saying that I want to 'hamp sup' her or something! Pleaseeee, I'm a gay man, an I love men! haha It tells you how hk media works....pathetic.
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